Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracInstall

07/08/2023 05:33:58 PM (15 months ago)



  • TracInstall

    v1 v2  
    88If you're interested in contributing new translations for other languages or enhancing the existing translations, please have a look at [trac:wiki:TracL10N TracL10N].
    10 What follows are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac. While you may find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], please '''first read through these general instructions''' to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
     10These are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac. While you may find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], please '''first read through these general instructions''' to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
    1212[[PageOutline(2-3,Installation Steps,inline)]]
    1414== Dependencies
    1515=== Mandatory Dependencies
    1617To install Trac, the following software packages must be installed:
    2021 * [ Jinja2], version >= 2.9.3
    22 You also need a database system and the corresponding python bindings. The database can be either SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL.
     23You also need a database system and the corresponding Python bindings. The database can be either SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL.
    2425==== For the SQLite database #ForSQLite
    4950==== Subversion
    51 [ Subversion], 1.14.x or later and the '''''corresponding''''' Python bindings.
     52[ Subversion], 1.14.x or later and the '''corresponding''' Python bindings.
    5354There are [ pre-compiled SWIG bindings] available for various platforms. See [trac:TracSubversion#GettingSubversion getting Subversion] for more information.
    5556{{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    57 * Trac '''doesn't''' use [ PySVN], nor does it work yet with the newer `ctype`-style bindings.
     58* Trac '''doesn't''' use [ PySVN], nor does it work yet with the newer `ctype`-style bindings.
    5859* If using Subversion, Trac must be installed on the '''same machine'''. Remote repositories are [trac:ticket:493 not supported].
    7172==== Web Server
    7274A web server is optional because Trac is shipped with a server included, see the [#RunningtheStandaloneServer Running the Standalone Server] section below.
    7880   - [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
    7981 * a [ FastCGI]-capable web server (see TracFastCgi)
    80  * an [ AJP]-capable web
    81    server (see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp TracOnWindowsIisAjp])
     82 * an [ AJP]-capable web server (see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp TracOnWindowsIisAjp])
    8283 * Microsoft IIS with FastCGI and a FastCGI-to-WSGI gateway (see [trac:CookBook/Installation/TracOnWindowsIisWfastcgi IIS with FastCGI])
    83  * a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), '''but usage of Trac as a cgi script
    84    is highly discouraged''', better use one of the previous options.
     84 * a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), '''but usage of Trac as a cgi script is highly discouraged''', better use one of the previous options.
    8786==== Other Python Packages
    89  * [ Babel], version >= 2.2,
    90    needed for localization support
    91  * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones,
    92    otherwise Trac will fall back on a shorter list from
    93    an internal time zone implementation. Installing Babel
    94    will install pytz.
    95  * [ docutils],
    96    version >= 0.14, for WikiRestructuredText.
    97  * [ Pygments], version >= 1.0,
    98    for [TracSyntaxColoring syntax highlighting].
    99  * [ Textile],
    100    version >= 2.3,
    101    for rendering the [ Textile markup language].
     88 * [ Babel], version >= 2.2, needed for localization support
     89 * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones, otherwise Trac will fall back on a shorter list from an internal time zone implementation. Installing Babel will install pytz.
     90 * [ docutils], version >= 0.14, for WikiRestructuredText.
     91 * [ Pygments], version >= 1.0, for [TracSyntaxColoring syntax highlighting].
     92 * [ Textile], version >= 2.3, for rendering the [ Textile markup language].
    10293 * [ passlib] on Windows to decode [TracStandalone#BasicAuthorization:Usingahtpasswdpasswordfile htpasswd formats] other than `SHA-1`.
    10394 * [ pyreadline] on Windows for trac-admin [TracAdmin#InteractiveMode command completion].
    117108=== Using `pip`
    118 `pip` is the modern Python package manager and is included in Python distributions. `pip` will automatically
    119 resolve the //required// dependencies (Jinja2 and
    120 setuptools) and download the latest packages from
     110`pip` is the modern Python package manager and is included in Python distributions. `pip` will automatically resolve the //required// dependencies (Jinja2 and setuptools) and download the latest packages from
    122112You can also install directly from a source package. You can obtain the source in a tar or zip from the [trac:TracDownload] page. After extracting the archive, change to the directory containing `` and run:
    128118`pip` supports numerous other install mechanisms. It can be passed the URL of an archive or other download location. Here are some examples:
    130 * Install the latest stable version from a zip archive:
    131 {{{#!sh
    132 $ pip install
    133 }}}
    134120* Install the latest development version from a tar archive:
    138124* Install the unreleased 1.4-stable from subversion:
    140 $ pip install svn+
     126$ pip install svn+
    142128* Install the latest development preview (//not recommended for production installs//):
    267253Assuming the deployment has been done this way:
    269 $ trac-admin /var/trac/<project> deploy /var/www
     255$ trac-admin /var/trac/<project> deploy /var/www/trac
    272258Add the following snippet to Apache configuration, changing paths to match your deployment. The snippet must be placed ''before'' the `ScriptAlias` or `WSGIScriptAlias` directive, because those directives map all requests to the Trac application:
    274 Alias /trac/chrome /path/to/trac/htdocs
    276 <Directory "/path/to/www/trac/htdocs">
     260Alias /trac/chrome /var/www/trac/htdocs
     262<Directory "/var/www/trac/htdocs">
    277263  # For Apache 2.2
    278264  <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
    330316== Configuring Authentication
    332 Trac uses HTTP authentication. You'll need to configure your webserver to request authentication when the `.../login` URL is hit (the virtual path of the "login" button). Trac will automatically pick the `REMOTE_USER` variable up after you provide your credentials. Therefore, all user management goes through your web server configuration. Please consult the documentation of your web server for more info.
     318Trac uses HTTP authentication. You'll need to configure your web server to request authentication when the `.../login` URL is hit (the virtual path of the "login" button). Trac will automatically pick the `REMOTE_USER` variable up after you provide your credentials. Therefore, all user management goes through your web server configuration. Please consult the documentation of your web server for more info.
    334320The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac.