Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TracWiki

02/22/2022 10:14:10 PM (3 years ago)



  • TracWiki

    v1 v1  
     1= The Trac Wiki System =
     4Trac has a built-in wiki system which you can use for organizing knowledge and information in a very flexible way by [WikiNewPage creating pages] containing an intuitive and easy to learn textual markup. The wiki markup is used throughout Trac, so not only in [wiki:TitleIndex wiki pages], but also in [TracTickets ticket] description and comments, [TracChangeset version control] log messages, [TracRoadmap milestone] descriptions, [TracReports report] descriptions  and even in third-party extensions.
     5It allows for formatted text and hyperlinks in and between all Trac modules.
     7Editing wiki text is easy, as compared to complex markup languages like HTML, using any web browser and simple [WikiFormatting formatting]. The motivation for wiki markup is that HTML, with its large collection of nestable tags, is too complicated to allow fast-paced editing, and distracts from the actual content of the pages. Note that Trac also supports [WikiHtml HTML], [WikiRestructuredText reStructuredText] and [ Textile] as alternative markup formats, which can be used in parts of a page, so called wiki blocks.
     9The main goal of the wiki is to make editing text easy in order to ''encourage'' people to contribute to a project. Trac also provides a simple toolbar to make formatting text even easier, and supports the [ universal edit button] of your browser.
     11The wiki itself does not enforce any structure, but rather resembles a stack of empty sheets of paper, where you can organize information and documentation as you see fit, and later reorganize if necessary.
     12As contributing to a wiki is essentially building hypertext, general advice regarding HTML authoring apply here as well.
     13For example, the ''[ Style Guide for online hypertext]'' explains how to think about the [ overall structure of a work] and how to organize information [ within each document]. One of the most important tips is to "make your HTML page such that you can read it, even if you don't follow any links".
     15Learn more about:
     16 * WikiFormatting rules, including advanced topics like WikiMacros and WikiProcessors.
     17 * How to use WikiPageNames and other forms of TracLinks which are used to refer to any resource within Trac.
     19If you want to practice editing, please use the SandBox. Note that not all Trac wiki pages are editable by anyone, this depends on the local policy; check with your Trac administrators.
     21Before saving your changes, you can ''Preview'' the page or ''Review Changes'' you have made.
     22You can get an automatic preview of the formatting as you type when you activate the ''Edit Side-by-side'' mode. There is a [wiki:TracIni#/auto_preview_timeout configurable delay] between when you make your edit and when the automatic preview will update.
     24Some more information about wikis on the web:
     25 * A definition of [ Wiki] according to Wikipedia.
     26 * The [ history] behind the original wiki.
     27 * A wiki page explaining [ why wiki works].
     30See also: TracGuide